$f0f|1-Dreams By Sorcerer/Wildfire Ever had that strange sorta day dream thing, when your just starting to fall asleep and daydreaming when something really wierd happens, like your cat jumping on to your head (in your dream that is) and you physically jump about five miles out of your bed and open your eyes thinking SHIT! what the f**k happened there. I thought I was the only one who had these strange pre-sleep wierdness, but a mate insists he has to :) $ff0[Can't remember the exact medical term but what you are on about is your body being in an extremely calm state and your nervous system decides to do a self-test by sending a signal to all your muscles at the same time so they contract causing a complete body spasm. It usually happens if you are at rest, ie. watching TV or tired (not when you are asleep to my knowledge). If it happens, stay calm and be as relaxed as you can be by relaxing EVERY part of you and you can do it again! I've managed to cause it to happen a second time after it happened once when I was just nodding off. It is a very weird experience but you are not alone, it happens to everyone. Kei] $f0f end